The system we use to follow our beans from bean to bar. This way we know exactly where the beans in our bars come from and where the beans that have been bought are in the value chain.
Big companies
These are the three chocolate manufacturers that control approximately 70% of the world cocoa market: Barry Callebaut, Olam and Cargill. On top of that, the eight biggest traders and cocoa processors trade 3/4 of the world’s cocoa and the six largest chocolate companies have around 40% of the market share (Mars Inc, Mondelez International, Nestlé, Ferrero, Hershey's, Lindt & Sprüngli).
Certification mark
A certification mark shows that a product is of a particular quality and has a reliable origin. It makes it immediately obvious that the product meets the standards that have been set by an independent expert organization. The main certification systems in the cocoa trade are Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance.
Child labour
This refers to illegal labour done by children. Labour that prevents children from actually living their life as a child and from going to school. The work can also damage them physically and mentally. Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation System (CLMRS): a system that helps identify and prevent child labour in cocoa communities in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire.
Fairtrade minimum price
Fairtrade has set a minimum price for cocoa to protect certified farmers against drops in the global market price. This minimum price will be paid if the global market price drops below the minimum price.
Fairtrade premium
All Fairtrade certified cooperatives get this premium on top of the farmgate price.
Farm gate price
This is the price farmers in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire receive per kg of cocoa. The governments in both countries determine this price every year.
FLO-Cert audit
FLO-Cert is Fairtrade’s independent audit body. This organisation checks all the links in the chain to check that everyone actually sticks to the strict trading terms.
Free-on-board price (FOB)
The export price of cocoa in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire.
Global market price
The international cocoa price is determined by the trade centres of the LIFFE in London and the New York Board of Trade (Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange, AKA CSCE).
Harkin-Engel Protocol
A program signed in 2001 by many actors in the international chocolate industry, who agreed to tackle the worst kinds of child labour. The program was launched by US politicians Harkin and Engel, hence the name.
Living income
The net annual income a household needs to afford a decent standard of living for all its members. Elements of a decent standard of living include food, water, housing, education, health care, transport, clothing and other essential needs, including provision for unexpected events.
Living wage
A level of income that provides adequate coverage for basic necessities such as food, shelter, healthcare, education and other essential needs. It aims to ensure that workers and their families can maintain a decent standard of living without falling below the poverty line.
Living income premium
This is the premium Tony’s Open Chain Mission Allies pay in addition to the Fairtrade premiums to reach the Living Income Reference Price. We pay this premium straight to the partner cooperatives.
Mass balance
The guidelines for certification state that for cocoa, it is not required that the certified cocoa that has been bought actually ends up in the final product. When you buy a certified bar of chocolate, you can be sure that the right volume of certified beans was bought for the amount in the bar. Only.. they might not actually be in the bar. So, it’s possible that part of the purchased certified cocoa is used in non-certified bars. That’s because all certified and non-certified beans end up on one big heap.
Modern slavery
Any form of forced labor or exploitation of adults or children (including the worst forms of child labor outside the immediate family, which are not acceptable under any circumstances).
Partner cooperative
Organizations of farmers who have joined forces to boost their economic power and due to strength in numbers.